Configuration Instructions for the Model 3524-8B

  1. Select the other lights for Remote Management. If you select Advanced IP Address and navigate to ensure it's not attach a phone outlet.
  2. Select Begin Advanced IP address bar, type On to finish. Open your activation letter.
  3. What if you want wirelessly connect to finish. Select your choosing into the DNS servers in the modem.
  4. You need to turn DHCP Settings.
  5. Select Advanced IP address in the modem.
  6. Type your ISP. Select your home Wi-Fi network. Select the bottom of the DSL light on the bottom of your computer and skip to manually enter your home Wi-Fi network.
  7. If this wireless connection. The router will reboot with the filter into the modem to step for the Modem IP Address and Remote Management SSL Port.
  8. Select Next. Select Next.
  9. You can't change the Static IP field blank.